Website Generator


I am currently a student in Miami Arts Studio 6-12 Tech Production Magnet. I would like to become a Photographer and or Graphic Designer. I am Certified in Adobe Illustrator IC3,  Adobe Photoshop CC ,and Living Online and hope to get certified in the Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office . I have created many short films, posters, Typography pieces, and abstract art. These projects have improved my skill in many ways in order for me become a better artist. In the future I would like to become a Graphic designer because its something I enjoy doing. Since middle school I have been involved in the program and would like to continue. I would also like to go into more film and Photography. I am fond of working on the other side of a show as well. Commercial Design is also something that I am interested in. I have always had a passion for helping others if its either online or physically helping others through art. 



As a Graphic Designer you create different art pieces that showcase creativity. Also you create Typography Artwork, Advertisments, Edit & Produce Film and make Digital Art. 


During the end of highschool and early college, Photography is something I am looking into and would like to pursue in the future. Photography and Graphic Design is something that could work hand in hand.      See Sample Work


Since I would like to pursue Graphic Design, commerical design is something that sparks my interest. Creating logos, billboards, product packaging, and magazine design.  


As a Highschool Student and the start of college I would like to do makeup as a side job for parties, weddings, and events. Also digital art and photo retouching models to fix makeup or to design a look for the model digitally.  


“The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.”- Paul Rand